Saturday 31 December 2022

Could you commute to office on Bicycle ?

  • People working in the office with continuous sitting jobs. eg. IT jobs, government offices, etc.
  • If you are gaining weight due to the idle lifestyle but enthusiast at heart and want to regain your fitness like before of college days
  • If you have made failed efforts of joining a gym and could not continue
  • If your office commute is within 10 KM's or manageable as per your physical endurance

Hello readers,

The purpose of this blog is to share everything that I have researched and learned before making a decision to purchase a bicycle for my daily commute to the office.

  • Makes you healthy and saves your costs on fuel
  • People face heavy traffic while commuting in metro cities and this can be really frustrating. Using a bicycle is a great way cut through the traffic and keep moving.
  • One of the bonuses of bicycling is having that great feeling about contributing to a greener environment.
  • Some people really struggle a lot to put aside some time for exercise. Reasons are many like habits of waking up late, or extended working hours, etc. So, your office commuting time can be best utilized.
  • Riding bicycle is a really fun and it keeps you in good mood. Any sort of exercise induces the body to secrete good hormones like endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, while reduces bad hormone cortisol. Hence you are active and well focused at work.
  • The person those sweat a lot can be posed to a real challenge, as he/she don't want to enter in the office with musty sweat smelling. If your office has washroom outside on the floor, you can get refreshed there and cool down your body.
  • A normal person also could have a problem of sweating in the beginning, but after few days of practice, once you develop enough stamina, your body won't be under stress, so the problem of sweating will go off. Eg, When you join the gym, initially you sweat at particular weight lifting. But after you have enough time spent on that weight, you have to put extra weights then only your body goes under that strain and sweats. Same works with cycling.
  • Formal wear could be little uncomfortable for riding a bicycle. Some IT companies allow wearing business casuals for 2 to 3 days at work.  But I do not find much challenge riding with formals if you ride smoothly at a constant pace.
  • Are you worried about the distance from your office to home? Probably you are. But don't worry our body is very responsive to physical exercises. Gradually increase your riding capability, then see. Within few, days office commute with a bicycle will be hassle-free daily routine for you.
  • Do not invest much as a beginner, as your bicycle should not end up dusting in your garage if you change your mind.
  • Opt for renting a bicycle for few days or weeks and see if it works for you.
  • In the beginning, you have to practice for a small distance riding and gradually increase the distance.
  • Once you are confident you can purchase your own bike
  • A prime purpose here is to commute to the office/workplace.  Hybrid or city-bike you should purchase, which is light-weight and do not require a lot of efforts to pull your weight. I would suggest not to purchase a mountain bike for city travels.
  • A geared bike will give an added advantage when you are pedaling on uphills of the road,  and you won't be tired of long distances.
  • Purchase all necessary accessories - helmet, water-bottle, torch, lock, and led tail lights. Led lights are most if you have to travel at night.
  • Ensure your office parking has required security. Avoid parking at open places as there are chances of robbery.
Riding a bicycle is not a sign of poverty anymore, in-fact if you purchase a nice bike it will be the head turner and you can enjoy your daily commute more than before. To be a fit and fine you don't need to do the heavy lifting in a gym at all. Cycling provides you a perfect mix of exercise. You pull your weight which strengthens your muscles and continuous movements of legs do the cardio exercise as well.

Happy riding to all!! Stay fit and fine.